i created this button that will call an email function when it is clicked. This email function is already written on a different page. This function basically takes the email text( mail to, mail from, cc, bcc, subject, body, text) as parameters. The problem is that when i click the button, nothing being sent. I think there is something wrong with my syntax, but not sure what is the problem. Please help!
'Send e-mail to appropriate emails based on the pdr status
'Send Notification E-mail
If oRsSub("pdrStatus") = "CTA" Then
temp = temp & "<tr><td> </td><td align=""left"">" & "<input type ='button' value = 'Send Notification E-mail' onclick = 'SendEmailUtil('sriram.sampath@td.com', 'sriram.sampath@td.com', 'sriram.sampath@td.com ', 'sriram.sampath@td.com ', 'test', 'this is a test', 'YES' ); "" />" & "</td></tr>"
End If
i created this button that will call an email function when it is clicked. This email function is already written on a different page. This function basically takes the email text( mail to, mail from, cc, bcc, subject, body, text) as parameters. The problem is that when i click the button, nothing being sent. I think there is something wrong with my syntax, but not sure what is the problem. Please help!
'Send e-mail to appropriate emails based on the pdr status
'Send Notification E-mail
If oRsSub("pdrStatus") = "CTA" Then
temp = temp & "<tr><td> </td><td align=""left"">" & "<input type ='button' value = 'Send Notification E-mail' onclick = 'SendEmailUtil('sriram.sampath@td.com', 'sriram.sampath@td.com', 'sriram.sampath@td.com ', 'sriram.sampath@td.com ', 'test', 'this is a test', 'YES' ); "" />" & "</td></tr>"
End If