Whenever you create a new Table, Query, Form or Report object, Access presents a dialogue box, and amonst the choices, is always one or more options to use a wizard to proceed.
Try it out. Open a new or existing database, display the forms window and click on the new button. You will see that the AutoForm: Columnar and AutoForm: Tabular options present themselves, along with other form creation alternatives.
Steve Lewy
Solutions Developer
(dont cut corners or you'll go round in circles)
Thanks FancyPrairy. You're not half-bad.
Which, I think linguistically (and since I have a degree in linguistics, I should know) either means you are totally bad or totally good?
I'm not sure what the implications are in clasic or inductive logic. That's not my area of expertise?!
Anyways, to the point.
I knew there was a way to call out the auto form wizard.
But when I try your code, access says it doesn't recognize the sub procedure or function, do I need to reference the specific library?
Sorry I don't have time to investigate this further, at this time (meeting to go to). It's some code I put together several years ago. However, I belive the file you need to reference is one of the following:
Sorry about my initial post; I thought that it was a somewhat basic question from a novice; did'nt mean to insult anyone's intelligence.
Steve Lewy
Solutions Developer
(dont cut corners or you'll go round in circles)
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