OK, here's what seems to be the deal. A .NET Web Service that the sql server 2000 DTS package will consume must return a string or other simple data type that is not serialized.
I had the creator of the WS overload the method so it returned the XML as a string instead of a DataSet. You will need to have the MS Soap tlb 3.0 loaded.
The code below works on my local dev SQL server calling an outside WS. I later had to parse out the XML to find exactly what I was looking for. This XML can be loaded into a DOM doc or you can just parse out with string functions. Let me know if this helps.
' Visual Basic Transformation Script
' Copy each source column to the destination column
Function Main()
dim sResponse, sCounties
'Call Functoin that calls web service
sResponse = Call_NET_WS(" DTSSource("State"))
sCounties = GetCounties(sResponse)
DTSDestination("Counties") = sCounties
Main = DTSTransformStat_OK
End Function
Function Call_NET_WS(URL, sState)
Dim objSoapClient, strResponse
Set objSoapClient = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient30")
objSoapClient.MSSoapInit Url
strResponse = objSoapClient.ReturnCountiesXML(sState)
Call_NET_WS = strResponse
End Function
Function GetCounties(sInput)
Dim sOutput, stemp
pos = instr(1, sInput, "<CountyName>")
do while pos > 0
sOutput = sOutput & Scrape_Value(sInput, "<CountyName>", "</CountyName>") & ", "
pos = instr(pos + 12, sInput, "<CountyName>")
'trim off last comma and space
sOutput = left(sOutput, len(sOutput) - 2)
GetCounties = sOutput
End Function
Private Function Scrape_Value(sInput, sStart, sEnd)
Dim pos1, pos2, sVal
pos1 = 0
pos2 = 0
sVal = ""
pos1 = InStr(1, sInput, sStart)
If pos1 > 0 Then
pos2 = InStr(pos1 + Len(sStart), sInput, sEnd)
sVal = Mid(sInput, pos1 + Len(sStart), pos2 - pos1 - Len(sStart))
sVal = Trim(sVal)
'Cut Input String
sInput = Mid(sInput, pos2 + Len(sEnd))
End If
Scrape_Value = sVal
End Function
I had the creator of the WS overload the method so it returned the XML as a string instead of a DataSet. You will need to have the MS Soap tlb 3.0 loaded.
The code below works on my local dev SQL server calling an outside WS. I later had to parse out the XML to find exactly what I was looking for. This XML can be loaded into a DOM doc or you can just parse out with string functions. Let me know if this helps.
' Visual Basic Transformation Script
' Copy each source column to the destination column
Function Main()
dim sResponse, sCounties
'Call Functoin that calls web service
sResponse = Call_NET_WS(" DTSSource("State"))
sCounties = GetCounties(sResponse)
DTSDestination("Counties") = sCounties
Main = DTSTransformStat_OK
End Function
Function Call_NET_WS(URL, sState)
Dim objSoapClient, strResponse
Set objSoapClient = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient30")
objSoapClient.MSSoapInit Url
strResponse = objSoapClient.ReturnCountiesXML(sState)
Call_NET_WS = strResponse
End Function
Function GetCounties(sInput)
Dim sOutput, stemp
pos = instr(1, sInput, "<CountyName>")
do while pos > 0
sOutput = sOutput & Scrape_Value(sInput, "<CountyName>", "</CountyName>") & ", "
pos = instr(pos + 12, sInput, "<CountyName>")
'trim off last comma and space
sOutput = left(sOutput, len(sOutput) - 2)
GetCounties = sOutput
End Function
Private Function Scrape_Value(sInput, sStart, sEnd)
Dim pos1, pos2, sVal
pos1 = 0
pos2 = 0
sVal = ""
pos1 = InStr(1, sInput, sStart)
If pos1 > 0 Then
pos2 = InStr(pos1 + Len(sStart), sInput, sEnd)
sVal = Mid(sInput, pos1 + Len(sStart), pos2 - pos1 - Len(sStart))
sVal = Trim(sVal)
'Cut Input String
sInput = Mid(sInput, pos2 + Len(sEnd))
End If
Scrape_Value = sVal
End Function