I have a fax server that takes faxes and assignes them to boxes in a PC that can be viewed as PDF files. The inputs are 4 analog DNs. When I test it with a butt set at the line cord just before going into the fax press all of the lines are ringing correct on the original lines and the lines that are forwarded to those numbers.
When you call a forwarded DN on a 3904 phone it shows to ring twice then displays the forwarded DN after the original and you hear fax tone.
The problem is that the faxes are not going to the correct box in the fax press. One number works all the time and the others all end up in one box.
After testing at the analog input I am sure my forwarding is working, but is there any other info that could be restricted from the Op 61's analog TN that I need to enable for a handshake? Like I said, I get fax tone, so I am thinking that the problem is with the fax press.
Any help is appreciated!!
When you call a forwarded DN on a 3904 phone it shows to ring twice then displays the forwarded DN after the original and you hear fax tone.
The problem is that the faxes are not going to the correct box in the fax press. One number works all the time and the others all end up in one box.
After testing at the analog input I am sure my forwarding is working, but is there any other info that could be restricted from the Op 61's analog TN that I need to enable for a handshake? Like I said, I get fax tone, so I am thinking that the problem is with the fax press.
Any help is appreciated!!