3300 CX II 4.1
I have a very simple Auto Attndt. set up where all incomming calls are answered by a welcome greeting, then depending on the selection, 1, 2, 3, etc. calls are transfered to appropiate Ring Group.
Members of Ring Groups, see the Ring Group number/name on their sets display when an incomming call is ringing. As soon as they answer they see caller ID of the calling party.
They whant to see caller ID instead of number/name of the ring group, is this possible?
I have a very simple Auto Attndt. set up where all incomming calls are answered by a welcome greeting, then depending on the selection, 1, 2, 3, etc. calls are transfered to appropiate Ring Group.
Members of Ring Groups, see the Ring Group number/name on their sets display when an incomming call is ringing. As soon as they answer they see caller ID of the calling party.
They whant to see caller ID instead of number/name of the ring group, is this possible?