Does not work CallBack. If after a "busy" or "ring" tone press "6", the display at first will show "SERVICE REQUESTED", and then - "UNKNOWN SERVICE REQU."; terminal on some time ceases to react on key clicking. This situation operates only at attempt of ordering the CallBack on the extension, who has a name identity. All works normally if name is not assigned. Why such takes place and how to save from it?
System is BC10CNI141.
Does not work CallBack. If after a "busy" or "ring" tone press "6", the display at first will show "SERVICE REQUESTED", and then - "UNKNOWN SERVICE REQU."; terminal on some time ceases to react on key clicking. This situation operates only at attempt of ordering the CallBack on the extension, who has a name identity. All works normally if name is not assigned. Why such takes place and how to save from it?
System is BC10CNI141.