I have a doubt regarding transfer of call to voicemail of BCM.
I am transferring the call to voicemail from peri producer application which I wrote, the customer want me to transfer it to the BCM voicemail(press 9).
“The peri producer reference manual says ,
Specify the following Dial Number string to transfer calls internally:
@ <dn> [[: <label> , <data> ]...]
dn is the dial number of the BCM application to which you are transferring
the call,
label is the label of the call data to set, and
data is the new value of the label.
Currently, only the following labels are available:
label value description
1 <mailbox#> Transfers to voicemail for caller to leave message in mailbox.
2 <mailbox#> Transfers to voicemail for caller to log into mailbox.
Terminate the string with a the PeriProducer system constant, LowValues.”
I am able to transfer the call back to IVR by giving @2162 where 2162 is the voicemail DN number(the bcm monitor/ voiceports/ IVR Group DN number)
When I gave @2100[:1,200] where 2100 is the bcm monitor/ voicemail group DN , 1 is the label and 200 is the mailbox number it is not transferring the call, is this the correct syntax?
Please help…….
I am transferring the call to voicemail from peri producer application which I wrote, the customer want me to transfer it to the BCM voicemail(press 9).
“The peri producer reference manual says ,
Specify the following Dial Number string to transfer calls internally:
@ <dn> [[: <label> , <data> ]...]
dn is the dial number of the BCM application to which you are transferring
the call,
label is the label of the call data to set, and
data is the new value of the label.
Currently, only the following labels are available:
label value description
1 <mailbox#> Transfers to voicemail for caller to leave message in mailbox.
2 <mailbox#> Transfers to voicemail for caller to log into mailbox.
Terminate the string with a the PeriProducer system constant, LowValues.”
I am able to transfer the call back to IVR by giving @2162 where 2162 is the voicemail DN number(the bcm monitor/ voiceports/ IVR Group DN number)
When I gave @2100[:1,200] where 2100 is the bcm monitor/ voicemail group DN , 1 is the label and 200 is the mailbox number it is not transferring the call, is this the correct syntax?
Please help…….