We are on Call Pilot V2.2 and we are having intermittent voice mail problems. When a caller from an outside number calls either an agent or non agent and then dials the person's extension, if the agent or non agent is on the other line, instead of always being transferred to the persons voice mail, the caller sometimes hears:
"You have been forwarded to a voicemail system, however the person at 6532 does not subscribe to this service (pause) beep. A valid attendant number has not been specified, your session cannot be completed at this time, goodbye."
Other times the caller is correctly transferred to voice mail? Any suggestions?
Thanks In Advance,
"You have been forwarded to a voicemail system, however the person at 6532 does not subscribe to this service (pause) beep. A valid attendant number has not been specified, your session cannot be completed at this time, goodbye."
Other times the caller is correctly transferred to voice mail? Any suggestions?
Thanks In Advance,