Call Pilot does have an internal modem for dial-up access. The modem must be initialized and can be done so either via Call Pilot Manager or by telephone set. [F] 983, enter system admin mbox and password, then press digit 4. Press NEXT until the system prompts 'Modem Access' N or Y as req'd. If changed to yes, the next prompt will be to enter password. Call Pilot documents contain instructions for creating a Dial-up Networking connection.
To remote connect dial site on telephone connected to modem line on PC. For operator assisted connection have attendant transfer call to General Delivery mbox [F]986, when mbox answers press **(system admin mbox eg. 102) then #. Then enter modem access password and #. If there are free resources available to connect the call you'll hear a recorded announcement count down to connection. If system answer is by AA follow same procedure. When greeting is heard press ** - system admin mbox - # to be connected.
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