I have a site that we installed a MICS 7.0 and Call Pilot 100 Release 3 at about 3 months ago. The customer called about 2 weeks after the installation and advised they were having a strange problem with the voice mail it seems when they dial F986 and the ext # the call goes on hold and does not go to voice mail. I thought it might be a user error. I had them reset the telephone and voice mail system and the problem went away for about 2 weeks but then it came back. It is not busy ports since they can check thier voice mail(F981)and leave voice mail (F980) when this happens. The only way to clear the problem is to reset the equipment (every two weeks they call and we have them reset). I also had multiple users (not just the operator) try F986 and they had the same problem but could perform F981 and F980. The system has a 2 port expansion a trunk and a station module with 45 exts(7316E). The call pilot is on the 16 port expansion (last 2 ports) The only other wierd thing that has happened at this site is the hold reminder ring stopped working at the operators set and I had to unplug the extension and reboot it to get it to work again (this has happened 2 times). We installed a new UPS on this system at the time of installation. I looked at the call pilot logs and it said "failure to join" but does not give a reason. Apparently either the Call Pilot or the Telephone system software/hardware is getting corrupted over time requiring a reset to clear. I have hearded that it is best to have the voice mail on the core and not on an expansion, but have never had problems on expansions (until now maybe??) Has anyone heard that thier is a rel 7.01 out that is supposed to correct problems? Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance