I've got a background programming IP telephone systems, but these old school Partner systems really throw me for a loop. Here's what I'm trying to do:
3 Lines, inbound calls go to receptionist (x10), after 4 rings go to VM (Currently working)
Is it possible to set an inbound call to go to a group of extensions (including x10) after 2 rings, then after 4 total rings go back to x10 VM box?
I have setup a Calling Group 71 that includes the extensions that I want to be in the group. I don't think a Hunt Group is right since I want all extensions in this group to ring, not just first available. How do I tell the system to go to x71 after 2 rings? I tried setting up a Call Coverage button on x10 but when I try to do this nothing happens: [Feature 20] 10 71. Can I not assign 71 as a coverage extension?
3 Lines, inbound calls go to receptionist (x10), after 4 rings go to VM (Currently working)
Is it possible to set an inbound call to go to a group of extensions (including x10) after 2 rings, then after 4 total rings go back to x10 VM box?
I have setup a Calling Group 71 that includes the extensions that I want to be in the group. I don't think a Hunt Group is right since I want all extensions in this group to ring, not just first available. How do I tell the system to go to x71 after 2 rings? I tried setting up a Call Coverage button on x10 but when I try to do this nothing happens: [Feature 20] 10 71. Can I not assign 71 as a coverage extension?