Our system was originally set up with a flexible button labeled "page all" that, when pressed, allowed you to talk and all the phones would output your voice. I disabled it awhile back since it was being used accidentally by users, but now I want to enable that again except with a subset of phones. Meaning, set a flexible button that will page a group of phones in a portion of the building, but not all phones.
I believe I need to assign the relevant phones to a numbered extension group (4.1.1), and then create a flexible button with a code that matches up with that group of phones. On 2.6.1, it shows the feature dialing codes, one is labeled "Group Paging: *33". If I want to put the relevant phones into extension group 2, what would the flexible button code be? And is that all I need to do to get the desired effect?
I believe I need to assign the relevant phones to a numbered extension group (4.1.1), and then create a flexible button with a code that matches up with that group of phones. On 2.6.1, it shows the feature dialing codes, one is labeled "Group Paging: *33". If I want to put the relevant phones into extension group 2, what would the flexible button code be? And is that all I need to do to get the desired effect?