With a KXTD-1232, I would like that a station not programmed to ring for an outside call rings when a call is fowarded to that station from a station which is programmed to ring for outside call...
analog 3-8 and 6-16 would do this by default, but it seems that the kxtd-1232 (and the analog 12-32) wont do it. Is there any programming I can do to allow that? I didn't find.
Tony's estension - no outside calls
Paul's estension - outside calls allowed
Tony wants no outside calls unless Paul is absent. When Paul transfers his calls to Tony , if Paul receives an outside call, can it ring on Tony's extension?
With a KXTD-1232, I would like that a station not programmed to ring for an outside call rings when a call is fowarded to that station from a station which is programmed to ring for outside call...
analog 3-8 and 6-16 would do this by default, but it seems that the kxtd-1232 (and the analog 12-32) wont do it. Is there any programming I can do to allow that? I didn't find.
Tony's estension - no outside calls
Paul's estension - outside calls allowed
Tony wants no outside calls unless Paul is absent. When Paul transfers his calls to Tony , if Paul receives an outside call, can it ring on Tony's extension?