How come my phone won't forward outside? My CLS is set to CFXA and the CFW key has 16 digits allowed, and the 9 for an outisde line is there? It works if I call the extention internally but not when I call from outisde in?
Features and Services
Trunk to Trunk Connection
The following are the topics in this section:
Feature description . .3097
Operating parameters . .3100
Feature interactions . .3100
Feature packaging . . 3102
Feature implementation . .3102
Task summary list . .3102
Feature operation . .3103
The Trunk to Trunk Connection feature introduces the following capabilities:
transfer on ringing of external trunk across the network, transfer of one
supervised outgoing external trunk to another, conference of external trunks
and outgoing trunk to trunk charging. These capabilities are available on an
analog (500/2500 type) set, Meridian 1 proprietary set or an Attendant Console.
Transfer on Ringing of External Trunk over Network
Allows the transfer on ringing of an established external trunk call over a
supervised analog network TIE trunk. If the called party does not answer
within a specified time, the call will slow answer recall to the attendant on the
transferring node. This capability ensures that available network resources
are not occupied indefinitely.
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Transfer of External Trunks
Allows the transfer of one outgoing external trunk to another trunk provided
both calls are answered and both trunks have answer supervision.
Set A initiates a call transfer of Set X to Set B. With the
Trunk to Trunk Connection feature, Set A can transfer on ringing without
waiting for Set B to answer. If Set B does not answer the transferred call, the
external trunk will slow answer recalls to the attendant on the transferring
Figure 97
Transfer on ringing of external call
Meridian 1 Meridian 1
• Set A is on an active incoming/outgoing call with Set X, an external party
• Set A transfers on ringing Set X to Set B on another node
Supervised TIE trunk
Set X
Set B Set A
Trunk to Trunk Connection Page 3099 of 3156
Features and Services
Conference of External Trunks
Allows external trunks to remain established in a conference call in
circumstances when all external trunks involved in the call offer disconnect
Figure 98 illustrates the Conference of External Trunk capabilities of this
feature. Set A is on an established conference call with two or more external
trunks, Set X and Set Y. When Set A disconnects during the conference, Set
X and Set Y continue in the established call.
Figure 98
Conference of external trunks
Outgoing Trunk to Trunk Charging
Ensures that outstanding charging information, relevant to both outgoing
calls, is contained in relevant Call Detail Recording records.
Set X Set Y
Set A Set A
1 2
Set A hangs up
Set X Set Y
Sets X and Y remain
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Operating parameters
Slow answer recall occurs when an external trunk is transferred on ringing
across an answer supervised network TIE trunk to a set that does not answer.
However, the resulting recall will be to an attendant on the transferring node
and not to the original set which transferred the call.
When transferring one outgoing trunk to another, it is required that the two
external calls involved are both answered prior to completing the transfer.
Both external trunks involved must have both answer and disconnect
When the last internal party disconnects from a conference call, involving
two or more external trunks, all external trunks must have disconnect
supervision for the call to remain established. If any one of the remaining
external trunks does not have disconnect supervision, all external trunks will
be dropped.
No change is made to existing VNS operation.
Feature interactions
Busy Tone Detection for Japan
Busy Tone Detection for Japan does not impact Trunk to Trunk Connection.
However, whichever occurs first, prevails.
Call Transfer
To transfer an external trunk on ringing across a supervised analog network
TIE trunk, the external trunk and internal TIE line must have both answer and
disconnect supervision, and the external call must be established. To transfer
one outgoing external trunk to another, both external trunks must have answer
and disconnect supervision, and both external calls must be established.
Centralized Answering Position
The Option 11C system may not have an actual attendant console. Instead, the
Option 11C will use Centralized Answering Position (CAP). The CAP
Directory Number (DN) is the customer Night DN. Since no attendant is
configured, the customer is viewed to be in Night Service and any calls for
the attendant are directed to the CAP. Slow Answer Recall may be presented
to a CAP when no attendant console is configured for the customer.
Trunk to Trunk Connection Page 3101 of 3156
Features and Services
Trunk to Trunk Connection allows external trunks to remain established in a
call, provided that all external trunks involved have disconnect supervision.
With respect to charging costs associated with a conference call, once the last
set involved in the conference call disconnects, a search is made of all
remaining trunks in the call to determine which call is established in the call
for the longest period of time. This trunk is the chargeable Terminal Number
(TN). This process is repeated to find the next chargeable TN.
Multi-Party Operations - Ringing No Answer
In a standalone environment, the RGNA prompt in the Customer Data Block
will be used when an external trunk is transferred on ringing and the called
party does not answer. In a network environment, the RTIM timer value in
the Customer Data Block will be used for slow answer recall.
Message Registration
The last party releasing the call collects the total value of outstanding Periodic
Pulse Metering (PPM) generated on outgoing trunks. If the last party is an
internal set, the outstanding PPM is stored against the meter of the set. If the
last party is an internal TIE trunk, the outstanding PPM is stored against the
meter associated with the internal TIE trunk access code. If the last party is
an outgoing external trunk, the outstanding PPM is stored against the meter
associated with the external trunk access code.
Night Service
If an attendant is placed in Night Service, calls to the attendant are directed to
a station with the Night DN. Recalls are not directed to the Night DN. Recalls
are put in the attendant call waiting queue when in Night Service.
Night Service Enhancement
Recalls made while the attendant is in Night Service are routed to the Night
DN, if the original call is an external call. In such a case, the destination party
is disconnected, the internal network trunk is released and the original
extended call is presented to the Night DN. If the original call is internal,
recalls are put in the attendant call waiting queue when in Night Service.
Trunk Barring
Trunk Group Access Restriction
Trunk Barring and Trunk Group Access Restriction takes precedence over the
Trunk to Trunk Connection feature.
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Feature packaging
This feature is included in base X11 System Software.
Note: DID to TIE (DTOT) for Japan package 176 must be restricted to
enable this feature.
Feature implementation
Task summary list
The following is a summary of the tasks in this section:
1 LD 15 – Modifications to Customer Data Block.
2 LD 15 – Modifications to Customer Data Block.
LD 15 – Modifications to Customer Data Block.
Prompt Response Description
REQ: CHG Change.
TYPE: ATT Attendant console prompts.
CUST xx Customer number.
RTIM xxx yyy zzz Enter defined value for the Slow Answer Recall timer where:
xxx = 0-(30)-378 Slow Answer Recall
yy y= 0-(30)-510 Camp On Recall
zzz = 0-(30)-510 Call Waiting Recall
Trunk to Trunk Connection Page 3103 of 3156
LD 15 – Modifications to Customer Data Block.
Feature operation
No specific operating procedures are required to use this feature.
Prompt Response Description
REQ: CHG Change
TYPE NET Trunk and network options.
CUST xx Customer number.
ISDN YES Change the Integrated Services Digital Network options.
- PSTN NO Public Switched Telephone Network.
Limit the number of PSTNs allowed in a network connection
to one PSTN.
NO= Puts no limit on the number of PSTN connections.
YES = Limits the number of PSTN connections.
DITI YES Allow Direct Inward Dialing to TIE connections for customer.
TRNX YES YES = Allows transfer on ringing of an external trunk over a
supervised analog network TIE trunk across private
NO= Prevents transfer on ringing of an external trunk over a
supervised analog network TIE trunk across private
EXTT YES YES = Allows connection of supervised external trunks.
NO = Prevents connection of supervised external trunks.
Thanks, you're right I did ask Anyway I changed TRNX to Yes and also EXTT to yes but that didn't work either. When I dial the number it deafaults to the operator. Any suggestions other than what I've tried so far? Thanks.
Someone gave me asuggestion but I'm not sure how to do this. They said my NCOS for the trunks may be at 0 and I need to change that, how do I do this? Thanks!
Marc and Nortellian as they said in the Matrix...."You are the one(s)!" Thanks a million. The CFF worked, I also changed extt to yes, but I can put that back to no and still try it. There is a long delay before the phone starts ringin though. Thanks again!
I am new to the forum and I need help. I have one phone that I can not Call Forward to an external number. The only difference between this phone and mine is, this phone has and ACD number on KEY 00 and the actual DN is not until KEY 03. CFW is set to 11 or should this be 16? I compared CLS and one difference is OLA/OLD, my set has OLA (outgoing Line Preference Allowed), but do not see why this would stop it from forwarding. Could it be the ACD in key 00?
Just one suggestion... On the route there is a possibility to stop inbound traffic from being routet back out the same route. This is called "anti-tromboning". Check the TRMB promt on your route. I think the default is YES and it allows traffic back out on the route. NO will stop it.
I only have the problem with one phone and no other. I have tested this on 2 others, mine and another right next to me. Is it the phone that chooses the route or the system? My thinking is the system decides how the call is routed and one phone is not dedicated to a particular route.
Could you explain why the TRMB setting might be the problem for just one phone?
Yes it is on another set, the receptionist console. The problem set, key 03 is programmed as:
00 ACD 2000 0 5960
01 NRD
02 MSB
03 SCR 9960 O MARP
04 SCR 3960 0 MARP
05 OBV
06 SCN 4960 0 MARP
16 MWK 9980
17 TRN
18 A06
19 CFW 16 92135551234
Oh and what would happen if I removed the ACD key? Hell would break loose. Thats not an option. But I have compared it to another phone that does have an ACD key and again the only difference is the OLA/OLD. I'll change it to OLA on the problem set to see what happens.
I thought the OLA/OLD was used primarily for outgoing calls, so that when you picked up a phone with mulitply appearances, it would know which line to give you dialtone on.
There isnt anything I can't do, only things I don't know how to do.... And if you'll teach, I'll learn and therefore I can do...
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