I have a problem that I am having on one of my BCM with Call Center. Call comes in to a Skill set that is setup to receive one digit, either a 1 or a 2 at which point the presses 1 which is setup to ring Skill Set 5. 8 agents are login in and available the skill set is set up as prefered routing for agents. some calls are ringing the available agent and some are ringing some where other then the logged in agents. I have the BCM monitor up I see the call alerting it shows the target line alerting and the Caller ID number, it will ring for around 3 minutes and then it calls an agent. Now I made the call so I asked how many times it rang and he said it rang once. Now on the monitor it now shows his extention. I can't see where it is ringing to for that long. Sometimes I've done a test call other times and when the agents are all busy I get the message and the music. Any ideas on how to track teh call better or where the calls maybe ringing to. Thanks.