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Call blocking

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Aug 17, 2006
Is there a way to block a number from my PBX? a person is being harrassed by a bill collector and asked me if it is possible to block the call. I told her to tell them to quit calling her at work (I think they have to stop by law) not sure though. any advice on it would be appreciated
It would be easy to if you were using Symposium. You will need to ask your provider or call the company as request they stop calling the person at your company location, and put in a formal request.

I agree, have her pay the bill and quit wasting your time.
yeah, I told her that it isn't our problem, but the bill collector tying up the nurses station main line is. just wondering if there is anything I can do on our M1 Opt81c to stop the calls or reroute that particular number to a dead ext. or something
Point that DN to 911, and assign the nurses station a new DN....That'll fix em!
BWAHAHA your pure evil :) thats DCF 9,911 right?
Don't do that. Take her DN into an menu service and play a message stating that call soliciting is not allowed on the system and to continue the call, Press 1 and transfer the call to a new DN setup on her set.

Still less time consuming to have her write you a check.
You managers kill me... 911 is always your solution to employee displine. LOL
Jamie2 (OTM Lover), your solution takes em right back to where they started. You work fo the Government by chance!!
To block it entirely, then assign her a new DN. Put her old DN in the IDC table and point it to an intercept message, stating this is a non-working number. Or build a dummy ACD and send it to mail and play the announcement there.
Yeah, I'll coloect from them by time it's all said and done. Steve, you should look into purchasing Call Parrot from jamie2. It'll give great call recording capabilities.
might be best to just let her go.. not worth the trouble it takes to help her hide from her promises

john poole
bellsouth business
Does Jamie sell Call Parrot? We have a quote on a call parrot system recording and our CFO wants to buy so that we can record calls in the business office and financial services. We are going to purchase in January when the new MIS budget comes in.
remember most states have a requirement that when you record or monitor calls the calling party has to be notified.

john poole
bellsouth business
Heck no... Jamie doesn't sell callparot. That was callferret that Eddie was thinking of.
hey while I got 3 good folks on this thread, How can i make my M1 Opt81c page me if my t-1 goes down? I have one that acts up every once in awhile.
We use What's Up Gold to monitor all servers, T1's, ect.
Don't you have a network monitoring group, that calls when T1's are down?
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