Recently migrated from BCM to IPO 9.1. Looking for option to announce "Your call is being recorded for quality purposes" to caller connected to employee when they turn on call recording.
See option selected(check box is checked) in VM Pro in Administrative-->Preferences-->General tab "Play Advice on Call Recording" just to right of option (drop down"Max Call/VRL Recording Secs".
I was just requested by user for the call recording feature and so tested and recording plays "Warning your call is being recorded"
Where is this wav file located so I can re-record it?
See option selected(check box is checked) in VM Pro in Administrative-->Preferences-->General tab "Play Advice on Call Recording" just to right of option (drop down"Max Call/VRL Recording Secs".
I was just requested by user for the call recording feature and so tested and recording plays "Warning your call is being recorded"
Where is this wav file located so I can re-record it?