Written this code to call telnet then run a do while loop if the IP address of the server entered is not pingable. I am going to use it to reboot remotely some gprs signs on our network
anyway something strange happens when I run it and supply the text box with an IP address. It seems the sub runs twice and creates to cmd logins for telnet,
Have I done something wrong with the Do while Loop?
IPAddress = inputbox( "Please Enter IP Address:" )
Username = inputbox( "username:" )
password = inputbox( "password:" )
' The following function will test if a machine is reachable via a ping
' using WMI and the Win32_PingStatus
If Reachable(IPAddress) Then
'WScript.Echo "Computer is Reachable"
WScript.Echo "Computer is Unreachable!"
End If
Function Reachable(strComputer)
' On Error Resume Next
Dim wmiQuery, objWMIService, objPing, objStatus
wmiQuery = "Select * From Win32_PingStatus Where " & _
"Address = '" & strComputer & "'"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set objPing = objWMIService.ExecQuery(wmiQuery)
For Each objStatus in objPing
If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) Or objStatus.Statuscode<>0 Then
Reachable = False 'if computer is unreacable, return false
Reachable = True 'if computer is reachable, return true
End If
if reachable = true then
call TelnetFunc
wscript.echo "Contact TSS"
end if
End Function
Sub Telnetfunc
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wshshell.run("telnet " & IPAddress & " 21")
end sub
do while reachable(IPAddress) = false
wscript.sleep 10000
If Reachable(IPAddress) Then
'WScript.Echo "Computer is Reachable"
WScript.Echo "Computer is Unreachable!"
End If
wscript.sleep 10000
wscript.echo "Ping back"
Written this code to call telnet then run a do while loop if the IP address of the server entered is not pingable. I am going to use it to reboot remotely some gprs signs on our network
anyway something strange happens when I run it and supply the text box with an IP address. It seems the sub runs twice and creates to cmd logins for telnet,
Have I done something wrong with the Do while Loop?
IPAddress = inputbox( "Please Enter IP Address:" )
Username = inputbox( "username:" )
password = inputbox( "password:" )
' The following function will test if a machine is reachable via a ping
' using WMI and the Win32_PingStatus
If Reachable(IPAddress) Then
'WScript.Echo "Computer is Reachable"
WScript.Echo "Computer is Unreachable!"
End If
Function Reachable(strComputer)
' On Error Resume Next
Dim wmiQuery, objWMIService, objPing, objStatus
wmiQuery = "Select * From Win32_PingStatus Where " & _
"Address = '" & strComputer & "'"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set objPing = objWMIService.ExecQuery(wmiQuery)
For Each objStatus in objPing
If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) Or objStatus.Statuscode<>0 Then
Reachable = False 'if computer is unreacable, return false
Reachable = True 'if computer is reachable, return true
End If
if reachable = true then
call TelnetFunc
wscript.echo "Contact TSS"
end if
End Function
Sub Telnetfunc
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wshshell.run("telnet " & IPAddress & " 21")
end sub
do while reachable(IPAddress) = false
wscript.sleep 10000
If Reachable(IPAddress) Then
'WScript.Echo "Computer is Reachable"
WScript.Echo "Computer is Unreachable!"
End If
wscript.sleep 10000
wscript.echo "Ping back"