As far as I know you can't.<br><br>The best method is to create an .inc file with all your bulk functions.<br><br>I tend to have one for VBScript and one for JScript.<br>That way you only need change it in one place.<br><br>An .inc file is just another ASP page with a different extension, just to distinguish them, but you don't need to put any HTML/Body tags etc in, as it's going to rely on it's parents/calling ASP page.<br><br>To include a file use the following code wherever you want to insert it:<br><br><!-- #include file=""--> <p>Ben Marshalsea<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
I'd suggest not using the .inc extension. Users will be able to see/steal your source code unless you use an .asp extension. <p>nick bulka<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
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