Hi everyone,
I try to call a executable.
Wait the job to finish
et Get the executable return value to see if the job was good
I try :
it doesn't seen to wait for the end of the job .
I try this :
he waits the end of the job.
I have got a object in return.
but it doesn't seem to show me the return value :
any ideas ?
Olivier L
I try to call a executable.
Wait the job to finish
et Get the executable return value to see if the job was good
I try :
nRetVal = ShellExecute(0, "open", test, "", "", 1)
I try this :
oProcess = CREATEOBJ('API_AppRun',test,"C:\",'NOR')
he waits the end of the job.
I have got a object in return.
but it doesn't seem to show me the return value :

any ideas ?
Olivier L