I have to make a Lotus Notes JobCalendar in Access!
Has somebody already made a procedure for the repeat (date/time) function?
And is a view like this possible :
date1 timestart1 timeend1 jobtekst1
timestart2 none jobtekst2
timestart3 timeend3 jobtekst3
date2 none timeend4 jobtekst4
none none jobtekst5
etc. ...
field = blanc if its the same as the previous record
field = "none" when empty
and if I double click() a record, I want to see a detail of the single job 'or group job with different dates' (same as in a calendar)
and how do they show/save a new tekst for one date when a group job is edited in a calendar? Is that a second textfield on top of the group job text field?
I have to make a Lotus Notes JobCalendar in Access!
Has somebody already made a procedure for the repeat (date/time) function?
And is a view like this possible :
date1 timestart1 timeend1 jobtekst1
timestart2 none jobtekst2
timestart3 timeend3 jobtekst3
date2 none timeend4 jobtekst4
none none jobtekst5
etc. ...
field = blanc if its the same as the previous record
field = "none" when empty
and if I double click() a record, I want to see a detail of the single job 'or group job with different dates' (same as in a calendar)
and how do they show/save a new tekst for one date when a group job is edited in a calendar? Is that a second textfield on top of the group job text field?