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calendar help needed

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Technical User
Oct 30, 2006
I can't get my dates to land on the correct day, using the following code;

<th width=35>Mon</th>
<th width=35>Tue</th>
<th width=35>Wed</th>
<th width=35>Thu</th>
<th width=35>Fri</th>
<th width=35>Sat</th>
<th width=35>Sun</th>

$columnCounter = 0;

for ($fillLeadingEmptyDays=0; $fillLeadingEmptyDays <= ($firstOfMonthDay - 1); $fillLeadingEmptyDays+=1) {
$columnCounter = $columnCounter + 1;
echo "<td height=22></td>";

for ($enterDays=1; $enterDays <= $daysInCurrentMonth; $enterDays+=1) {
$columnCounter = $columnCounter + 1;
echo "<td height=22";
if ($day == $enterDays) { echo " class = \"today\""; }
$dayLinkDestination = "default.php?day=".$enterDays."&amp;month=".$month."&amp;year=".$year."";
echo "><a href=\"".$dayLinkDestination."\">".$enterDays."</a></td>";
if ( $columnCounter == 7 ) {
echo "</tr><tr>";
$columnCounter = 0;

for ($fillEmptyDays=($columnCounter + 1); $fillEmptyDays <= 7; $fillEmptyDays+=1) {
if ($columnCounter ==0) {
echo "<td height=22></td>";

With a call to;


$day = @$_GET["day"];
$month = @$_GET["month"];
$year = @$_GET["year"];

if ($month == ""){
$day = date('j');
$month = date('n');
$year = date('Y');

$firstOfMonthDateStamp = mktime(24, 60, 60, $month, 1, $year);

$daysInCurrentMonth = date("t", $firstOfMonthDateStamp);
$firstOfMonthDay = date("d", $firstOfMonthDateStamp);
$lastOfMonthDay = date("w", strtotime(date("n",$firstOfMonthDateStamp)."/".$daysInCurrentMonth."/".date("Y",$firstOfMonthDateStamp)));
$previousMonth = getdate(strtotime('-1 month', $firstOfMonthDateStamp));
$nextMonth = getdate(strtotime('+1 month', $firstOfMonthDateStamp));

I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction...
oddly enough I rewrote a calendar script just this morning. here it is

$year = isset($_GET['year']) ? $_GET['year'] : date("Y");
$month = isset($_GET['month']) ? $_GET['month'] : date("n");
if (isset($_GET['change'])){
	$year = date("Y", strtotime($_GET['change']." months", strtotime("$year-$month-01")));
	$month = date("n", strtotime($_GET['change']." months", strtotime("$year-$month-01")));
$cal = new calendar($year, $month);

class calendar{

	public $calendar;

	public function calendar($year, $month){
		$this->year = $year;
		$this->month = $month;
	public function buildCalendar(){
		$uD = strtotime($this->year."-".$this->month."-01");
		$firstDay = date('N', $uD) - 1;
		$numDays = date("t", $uD);
		$output = '';
		$numRows = ceil($numDays/7);
		$r1 = true;
		$wordMonth = date("M", $uD);
		$output .= <<<HTML
		<th colspan="7">
			<a href="{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?year={$this->year}&month={$this->month}&change=-1"> <-- </a>$wordMonth, {$this->year} <a href="{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?year={$this->year}&month={$this->month}&change=1"> --> </a>

		$day = 1;
		for ($r=0; $r<$numRows; $r++){
			$output .= "\t<tr>\r\n";
			$col =0;
			while ($col <7){
				if ($r1){
					while ($col < $firstDay){
						$output .= "\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n";
					$r1 = false;
				if ($day > $numDays){
					$output .= "\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n";
				} else {
					$output .= "\t\t<td>".$this->getData($this->year, $this->month, $day)."</td>\r\n";
			$output .= "\t</tr>\r\n";
		$this->calendar = "\r\n<table border=\"1\">\r\n".$output."\r\n</table>\r\n";
		public function renderCalendar(){
		echo <<<HTML
body, select, th, td, option {font-family:"Trebuchet MS"; font-size:0.8em; color:blue;}
select {width:6em; text-align:center;}
table{table-layout:fixed; width:65em;}
a{text-decoration:none; color:blue; }

	private function getData($year, $month, $day){
		//return some data to go into each table cell
} //end of class
How weird ... I rewrote one too ! :)

It's a calendar that have color zones, clickable days, highlighted days and that is multilingual too.

Well, its not as clean as Jpadie's work though ;)

function hd_time_setlocal($lang) {

$local["fr"] = "'fra', 'fr_FR'";

eval("setlocale(LC_TIME, " . $local[$lang] . ");");


function hd_time_calendar($arg_imp) {

// - ! - available arguments and their default values
$arg["year_to_show"] = date("Y", time());
$arg["month_to_show"] = date("m", time());

$arg["prne_to_link"] = array();
$arg["day_name_strlen"] = 3;
$arg["cur_month_url"] = "";
$arg["first_day_of_week"] = 1;

$arg["zones"]["color"] = array(); // "#000000"
$arg["zones"]["from"] = array(); // "MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD" 
$arg["zones"]["to"] = array(); // "MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD" 

$arg["days"]["dates"] = array(); // "01.22" or "2007.01.22"
$arg["days"]["options"]["classname"] = array();
$arg["days"]["options"]["url"] = array();

$arg["days_to_link"]["url"] = "index.php?date=";
$arg["days_to_link"]["options"]["zone_in"] = "yes"; // yes / no 
$arg["days_to_link"]["options"]["zone_out"] = "no"; // yes / no 
$arg["days_to_link"]["options"]["start"]["date"] = NULL; // "YYYY-MM-DD" 
$arg["days_to_link"]["options"]["start"]["offset"] = 0; // number of days after date

$arg = array_merge($arg, $arg_imp);
// - ! - set variables
$first_day_of_month = gmmktime(0,0,0,$arg["month_to_show"],1,$arg["year_to_show"]);
$today["day"] = date("d", time());
$day_names_array = array();

    // - ! - get day names
    for($i = 0, $t = (3 + $arg["first_day_of_week"]) * 86400; $i < 7; $i++, $t += 86400) {
    $day_names_array[$i] = ucfirst(gmstrftime('%A',$t));

list($arg["month_to_show"], $arg["year_to_show"], $month_name, $weekday) = explode(',',gmstrftime('%m,%Y,%B,%w',$first_day_of_month));
    // - ! - adjust for $arg["first_day_of_week"]
    $weekday = ($weekday + 7 - $arg["first_day_of_week"]) % 7;
    $title   = htmlentities(ucfirst($month_name)) . "&nbsp;" . $arg["year_to_show"];

    // - ! - begin calendar
    @list($prev_month_html, $prev_month_url) = each($arg["prne_to_link"]);
    @list($next_month_html, $next_month_url) = each($arg["prne_to_link"]);
    if($prev_month_html) $prev_month_html = "
    <span class=\"calendar-prev\">" . ($prev_month_url ? "
    <a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($prev_month_url) . "\">" . $prev_month_html . "</a>
    " : $prev_month_html) . "</span> &nbsp;
    if($next_month_html) $next_month_html = "
    <span class=\"calendar-next\">" . ($next_month_url ? "
    <a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($next_month_url) . "\">" . $next_month_html . "</a>
    " : $next_month_html) . "</span>
    $calendar = "
    <table class=\"calendar\">" . "\n
    <caption class=\"calendar-month\">
    " . $prev_month_html . "
    " . ($month_href ? "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($arg["cur_month_url"]) . "\">" . $title . "</a>" : $title) . "
    " . $next_month_html . "
    foreach($day_names_array as $day_name) {
    $calendar .= "
    <th abbr=\"" . htmlentities($day_name) . "\">
    " . htmlentities($arg["day_name_strlen"] < 4 ? substr($day_name, 0, $arg["day_name_strlen"]) : $day_name) . "
    $calendar .= "

    if($weekday > 0) $calendar .= "<td colspan=\"" . $weekday . "\">&nbsp;</td>";
    // - ! - on first iteration
    if (!$static) static $static;
    if (!$static) {
    // - ! - grab zones endings
    $first_to_array = $arg["zones"]["to"];
    // - ! - order them
        // - ! - loop through zone endings
        foreach($first_to_array as $key => $value) {
            // - ! - if there is a zone ending with no start in this month
            if (strstr($value, $arg["month_to_show"] . "-")) { // THIS CAN BE BUGGY, MUST BE FIXED
            // - ! - set css
            $static["css"]["style"]["zone"] = " class=\"iszone\" style=\"
            background-color: " . $arg["zones"]["color"][$key] . ";
            // - ! - set the very first day as zone start
            $static["is_zone"] = "yes";


    // - ! - loop through days
    for($day = 1, $days_in_month = gmdate('t', $first_day_of_month); $day <= $days_in_month; $day++, $weekday++) {
    $date["d"] = str_pad($day, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $date["m-d"] = $arg["month_to_show"] . "-" . $date["d"];
    $date["Y-m-d"] = $arg["year_to_show"] . "-" . $date["m-d"];
        if($weekday == 7){
        $weekday   = 0;
        $calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr>";

    $calendar .= "<td"; 
    // - ! - zone start
    $key_zones = array_search($date["m-d"], $arg["zones"]["from"]);
        if ($key_zones === FALSE) $key_zones = array_search($date["Y-m-d"], $arg["zones"]["from"]);

        if ($key_zones !== FALSE) {
        $static["css"]["style"]["zone"] = " class=\"iszone\" style=\"
        background-color: " . $arg["zones"]["color"][$key_zones] . ";
        $static["is_zone"] = "yes";
    $key_days = array_search($date["m-d"], $arg["days"]["dates"]);
        if ($key_days === FALSE) $key_days = array_search($date["Y-m-d"], $arg["days"]["dates"]);     
        // - ! - highlighted days
        if (in_array($date["m-d"], $arg["days"]["dates"]) OR in_array($date["Y-m-d"], $arg["days"]["dates"])) {

        $calendar .= " class=\"" . $arg["days"]["options"]["classname"][$key_days] . "\"";
        $is_highlighted = "yes";
        } else {
        $calendar .= $static["css"]["style"]["zone"];
        $is_highlighted = "no";
    $calendar .= ">";
    // - ! - days with links
    $day_temp = "
    " . (
    $arg["days_to_link"]["url"] ? "<a href=\"" . 
    $arg["days_to_link"]["url"] . $date["Y-m-d"] . 
    "\">" . $day . "</a>" : $day
    ) . "

        // - ! - link options
        if (
        $static["is_zone"] == "yes" AND $arg["days_to_link"]["options"]["zone_in"] == "no"
        ) $day_temp = $day;
        if (
        $static["is_zone"] == "no" AND $arg["days_to_link"]["options"]["zone_out"] == "no"
        ) $day_temp = $day; 

        if (
        $is_highlighted == "yes" AND $arg["days"]["options"]["url"][$key_days] == ""
        ) $day_temp = $day; 

        // - ! - link offset
        if ($static["offset"]["count"] == $arg["days_to_link"]["options"]["start"]["offset"]) {
        $static["offset"]["over"] = "yes";
        } else {
            if ($arg["days_to_link"]["options"]["start"]["date"] == $date["Y-m-d"]) {
            $static["offset"]["count"] = 0;
            if (isset($static["offset"]["count"])) {
            $day_temp = $day; 
            } else {
                if (!$static["offset"]["over"] ) $day_temp = $day; 
    // - ! - zone end    
    $key_zones = array_search($date["m-d"], $arg["zones"]["to"]);
        if ($key_zones === FALSE) $key_zones = array_search($date["Y-m-d"], $arg["zones"]["to"]);

        if ($key_zones !== FALSE) {
        $static["css"]["style"]["zone"] = "";
        $static["is_zone"] = "no";

    $calendar .= $day_temp . "</td>";
    // - ! - empty days
    if($weekday != 7) $calendar .= "
    <td colspan=\"" . (7-$weekday) . "\">&nbsp;</td>

$calendar .= "

// - ! - return calendar
return $calendar;



// - ! - set local time

  // - ! - loop through next year months
  for($month = $cal_months[0]; $month <= $cal_months[1]; $month++) {
  $hd_time_calendar["month_to_show"] = $month;
  $hd_time_calendar["year_to_show"] = $year;
  $output .= "
  " . hd_time_calendar($hd_time_calendar) . "
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