I need to convert a calendar date parameter (example 11/12/2012) to a 5 digit julian date (example 12317). The 5 digit julian is how I will access my data. Any ideas to how to do this?
stringvar yr := RIGHT(totext(year({YourTable.YourDate}),0),2);
stringvar dy := totext(DateDiff('d',Date(year({YourTable.YourDate}),1,1),currentdate),0);
it will return the last 2 digits of the year and the number of days between the 1st of January and today's date.
hopefully i don't have any syntax or logic errors, if i do, my apologies in advance.
If you add the line below to the formula i provided then it will return a number.
IF isnumeric(yr) and isnumeric(dy) then tonumber(yr&dy) else 0
I was thinking a bit more about it and if the value entered by the parameter is not within the current year, there could be problems with the formula i provided. i have not tested this, but it is a thought to consider.
For that reason, Ian's may be a better solution, and his also returns a number without any sort of additional effort.
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