I have just setup an HTML form that uses javascript to total up prices etc and add on vat.
I have come across a slight snag though! the total is not restricted to 2 decimal places.
How do i do this?
the code that performs the calculations is as follows:
I have come across a slight snag though! the total is not restricted to 2 decimal places.
How do i do this?
the code that performs the calculations is as follows:
<script language=javascript>
function dm(amount)
string = "" + amount;
dec = string.length - string.indexOf('.');
if (string.indexOf('.') == -1)
return string + '.00';
if (dec == 1)
return string + '00';
if (dec == 2)
return string + '0';
if (dec > 3)
return string.substring(0,string.length-dec+3);
return string;
function calculate()
qtya = 0; qtyb = 0; qtyc = 0; qtyd = 0; qtye = 0; qtyf = 0;
c2n1500 = 76.17; c2n1250 = 72.25; c2n1000 = 65.57; c2n0750 = 60.50; c2n0500 = 57.28; c2n0250 = 54.05;
vata = 0.175;
packing = 15;
if (document.form1.qtya.value > "")
{ qtya = document.form1.qtya.value };
document.form1.qtya.value = eval(qtya);
totala = qtya * c2n1500;
document.form1.totala.value = dm(eval(totala));
if (document.form1.qtyb.value > "")
{ qtyb = document.form1.qtyb.value };
document.form1.qtyb.value = eval(qtyb);
totalb = qtyb * c2n1250;
document.form1.totalb.value = dm(eval(totalb));
if (document.form1.qtyc.value > "")
{ qtyc = document.form1.qtyc.value };
document.form1.qtyc.value = eval(qtyc);
totalc = qtyc * c2n1000;
document.form1.totalc.value = dm(eval(totalc));
if (document.form1.qtyd.value > "")
{ qtyd = document.form1.qtyd.value };
document.form1.qtyd.value = eval(qtyd);
totald = qtyd * c2n0750;
document.form1.totald.value = dm(eval(totald));
if (document.form1.qtye.value > "")
{ qtye = document.form1.qtye.value };
document.form1.qtye.value = eval(qtye);
totale = qtye * c2n0500;
document.form1.totale.value = dm(eval(totale));
if (document.form1.qtyf.value > "")
{ qtyf = document.form1.qtyf.value };
document.form1.qtyf.value = eval(qtyf);
totalf = qtyf * c2n0250;
document.form1.totalf.value = dm(eval(totalf));
subtotal = totala + totalb + totalc + totald + totale + totalf;
document.form1.subtotal.value = dm(eval(subtotal));
vat = vata * subtotal;
document.form1.vat.value = dm(eval(vat));
incvat = subtotal + vat;
document.form1.incvat.value = dm(eval(incvat));
if (document.form1.incvat.value < 500)
{ incvat = document.form1.incvat.value };
document.form1.incvat.value = eval(incvat);
grandtotal = incvat + packing;
document.form1.grandtotal.value = dm(eval(grandtotal));