Am very novice user. Have two different reports produced from two different simple select queries. One report contains many categories of statistics, displaying sums totalled from input table. Other report contains cost rates selected by project, produced by simple select query from input table. I need to know the MOST SIMPLE way to produce a third report containing the results of computations using the statistical totals from the first report and the rates from the second report (most computations are simply multiplications of a figure in first report by a figure from the second report, occasionally with variation of combinations of figures in a formula.) Thought the obvious way to do it was to create a third query, then display it, however haven't yet figured out how to do that (novice, remember)but it seems overly complex for such a simple objective. Even tried to form a link to Excel, do the computations, then produce a report from that. Again, havent figured out how to do it but indications are that it is relatively complex thing to do and generates need for other software (Excel) and large cumulative file when I need to keep this thing as simple as possible. I need a simple tool to use, not get lost manipulating software that I barely understand. Would appreciate help. Thanx