Technical User
What can be the problem with this statement
I created a calculation inside the framework manager and it does not work. i only use rhe sysdate function.
I use Oracle 10g
CASE when to_number(to_char({sysdate},'mm')) < 04 then to_char(to_number(to_char({sysdate},'yyyy')))-1||' '||to_char({sysdate},'yyyy')
when to_number(to_char({sysdate},'mm')) >= 04 then to_char({sysdate},'yyyy')||'-'||to_char(to_number(to_char({sysdate},'yyyy'))+1) end
Thank you in advance for your support,
I created a calculation inside the framework manager and it does not work. i only use rhe sysdate function.
I use Oracle 10g
CASE when to_number(to_char({sysdate},'mm')) < 04 then to_char(to_number(to_char({sysdate},'yyyy')))-1||' '||to_char({sysdate},'yyyy')
when to_number(to_char({sysdate},'mm')) >= 04 then to_char({sysdate},'yyyy')||'-'||to_char(to_number(to_char({sysdate},'yyyy'))+1) end
Thank you in advance for your support,