If you want to count the number of Yes values in a Yes/No field in a group or report footer, add a text box with a control source property of:
=Sum( Abs([YesNoFieldName]) )
Duane MS Access MVP
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Duane MS Access MVP
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Ok... I see what your code is trying to do, but I have failed to mention that this is actually in an ADP file (didn't think it would matter too much). Now I am getting the following error,
Aggregate functions are only allowed on output fields of the Record Source
I have searched around and found that I need to do one of the calculations in a seperate textbox, then Sum the textbox. Problem is that this calculation is in the Report Header, so the textbox isn't there when I try to sum it.
Any advice?
P.S. Duane, I want to thank you so very much for your dedication to helping people. I have been searching around for a while and keep seeing your name pop up. You are a great asset to this community!
Does your report's record source NOT include the Completed and Amount fields? You could try create a new field in the query/view
AmountSold: Abs([Complete]) * [Amount]
Then sum(AmountSold)
Duane MS Access MVP
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I am using a Stored Proc off the SQL Server for the report. I just tried adding another query to the SP that does this calculation. In Query Analyzer, it returns the data as a seperate query, but in Access I cannot use that field.
Without seeing your stored procedure or other query or tables or record source or report, it is a bit difficult to trouble-shoot your problem. This shouldn't be that difficult.
Transact SQL could derive a column like:
Case When Complete <> 0 Then Amount Else 0 As AmountSold End
Duane MS Access MVP
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@UserName varchar(30)
--Get all records by username that is logged in
SELECT UID, C.CardholderID, CardholderName, Department, CardNumber, CardType, PONum, PODate, Vendor, Description, Amount, CCCObjectCode, Complete, Carryover
FROM CreditCardLog C INNER JOIN Cardholder CH ON C.CardholderID = CH.CardholderID INNER JOIN CardType CT ON CH.CardTypeID = CT.CardTypeID
WHERE C.CardholderID = @UserName
SELECT Sum(Amount) AS CarryoverTot
FROM CreditCardLog
WHERE Carryover = 1
Did you try insert my suggested expression?
@UserName varchar(30)
--Get all records by username that is logged in
SELECT UID, C.CardholderID, CardholderName, Department, CardNumber, CardType, PONum, PODate, Vendor, Description, Amount, CCCObjectCode, Complete, Carryover,
Case When Complete <> 0 Then Amount Else 0 As AmountSold End as CompleteAmount
FROM CreditCardLog C INNER JOIN Cardholder CH ON C.CardholderID = CH.CardholderID INNER JOIN CardType CT ON CH.CardTypeID = CT.CardTypeID
WHERE C.CardholderID = @UserName
SELECT Sum(Amount) AS CarryoverTot
FROM CreditCardLog
WHERE Carryover = 1
Duane MS Access MVP
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I had to AS
@UserName varchar(30)
--Get all records by username that is logged in
SELECT UID, C.CardholderID, CardholderName, Department, CardNumber, CardType, PONum, PODate, Vendor, Description, Amount, CCCObjectCode, Complete, Carryover,
Case When Complete <> 0 Then Amount Else 0 End as CompleteAmount
FROM CreditCardLog C INNER JOIN Cardholder CH ON C.CardholderID = CH.CardholderID INNER JOIN CardType CT ON CH.CardTypeID = CT.CardTypeID
WHERE C.CardholderID = @UserName
SELECT Sum(Amount) AS CarryoverTot
FROM CreditCardLog
WHERE Carryover = 1
Duane MS Access MVP
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[green]Find out how to get great answers faq219-2884.[/green]
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