How can I do to calculate the % in the detail Section
Orders %
15 18.75
25 31.25
40 50.00
Tot. 80
The problem is % must be calculated After the obtein the total...
any help.
Most Crystal totals are calculated on the first pass, which makes them available in formulas like this one. If this total is on the report, it will be available in the formula editor, after a sigma symbol.
The formula you want will be something like:
{field} / Sum({field} , {GroupField})
Everything after the slash above is put into the formula automatically if you double click the group sigma in your field list. Ken Hamady
The example at the top seems to be subtotal lines rather than
detail lines since each line shows total number of orders.
Even if these are detail lines it should be possible to turn them
into artificail groups by doing a group break on each detail line
and moving the info to the group footer along with totals of those
single detail lines. So it should provide a cleaner (though a bit
strange) solution even for that case... )
Actually, I picked the "Instructor" designation because I teach at Penn
State Erie. One of the Undergarduate/MBA courses I've been teaching
for the last six years is called "Management Reporting Systems."
Crystal is one of the tools I use in that course.
The class doesn't just cover tools, it deals with report & reporting systems
analysis and design, concepts, data warehousing, activity based costing,
data mining, distribution and administration issues, DBMS & SQL aspects,
The hands-on part of the class is conducted in a lab and we cover the
following tools: Crystal 8, PowerPlay, Impromptu, Transformer, Monarch,
Excel pivot tables, and KnowledgeSeeker.
The students work hard, but they get a lot out of the class.
Would you like to come and teach here?
We are recruiting for two new faculty members... )
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