I have been using a formula to calculate the number of business hours between two dates. The problem is that the formula is for a later version of crystal and i am using crystal 6. This is the formula
Numbervar Days :={@Working Days};
Timevar SetStart:= TimeVal("08:30"
TimeVar SetEnd:= TimeVal ("17:00"
TimeVar StartTime:=TimeVal({@Call Time});
TimeVar EndTime:=TimeVal({Call Time 2});
Crystal 6 doesn't have the timevalue function, can anyone help me with this please?
Thanks in advance
Numbervar Days :={@Working Days};
Timevar SetStart:= TimeVal("08:30"
TimeVar SetEnd:= TimeVal ("17:00"
TimeVar StartTime:=TimeVal({@Call Time});
TimeVar EndTime:=TimeVal({Call Time 2});
Crystal 6 doesn't have the timevalue function, can anyone help me with this please?
Thanks in advance