I am new to this software and right now I'm running into problem of generating a formula on how to calculate the hours work per week. The system was designed to have two file one CADTIME is the file containing the employee, Date and hours work. the other file CALREF contains the From Date and To Date. We connect or link to calref file to get the from and to date and from here compare if greater or less than the two dates to add the hours. Please give me advise on how to proceed. Thanks.
I am new to this software and right now I'm running into problem of generating a formula on how to calculate the hours work per week. The system was designed to have two file one CADTIME is the file containing the employee, Date and hours work. the other file CALREF contains the From Date and To Date. We connect or link to calref file to get the from and to date and from here compare if greater or less than the two dates to add the hours. Please give me advise on how to proceed. Thanks.