any help anyone can give me would be splendid & MUCH appreciated
i am trying to get a bit of code for calculating MEDIAN values to work
i found the basic code on the web & modified slightly
THANKS TO SOMEONE ON THIS FORUM, i was able to get it to work when grouping by YEAR, but when i changed the code to try make it calculate the MEDIAN of a recordset grouped by a TEXT field [PROP_ADD2], i get an error message =
" Runtime Error '3061':
Too few parameters. Expected 4 "
here is the code i have right now, (with the RED part being what is highlighted in the debug window)
Function MedianProp(tName$, fldName$, Prop$) As String
Dim MedianDB As Database
Dim ssMedian As Recordset
Dim RCount, i, x, y, OffSet As Integer
Dim EvalProp As String
Set MedianDB = CurrentDb()
EvalProp = Prop$
Set ssMedian = MedianDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT [" & fldName$ & "] FROM [" & tName$ & "] WHERE ([PROP_ADD2]=[" & EvalProp & "]) ORDER BY [" & fldName$ & "]"
RCount = ssMedian.RecordCount
x = RCount Mod 2
If x <> 0 Then
OffSet = ((RCount + 1) / 2) - 2
For i = 0 To OffSet%
Next i
MedianProp = ssMedian(fldName$)
OffSet = (RCount / 2) - 2
For i = 0 To OffSet
Next i
x = ssMedian(fldName$)
y = ssMedian(fldName$)
MedianProp = (x + y) / 2
End If
End Function
thanks to anyone who can help me figure out what i'm missing
i am trying to get a bit of code for calculating MEDIAN values to work
i found the basic code on the web & modified slightly
THANKS TO SOMEONE ON THIS FORUM, i was able to get it to work when grouping by YEAR, but when i changed the code to try make it calculate the MEDIAN of a recordset grouped by a TEXT field [PROP_ADD2], i get an error message =
" Runtime Error '3061':
Too few parameters. Expected 4 "
here is the code i have right now, (with the RED part being what is highlighted in the debug window)
Function MedianProp(tName$, fldName$, Prop$) As String
Dim MedianDB As Database
Dim ssMedian As Recordset
Dim RCount, i, x, y, OffSet As Integer
Dim EvalProp As String
Set MedianDB = CurrentDb()
EvalProp = Prop$
Set ssMedian = MedianDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT [" & fldName$ & "] FROM [" & tName$ & "] WHERE ([PROP_ADD2]=[" & EvalProp & "]) ORDER BY [" & fldName$ & "]"
RCount = ssMedian.RecordCount
x = RCount Mod 2
If x <> 0 Then
OffSet = ((RCount + 1) / 2) - 2
For i = 0 To OffSet%
Next i
MedianProp = ssMedian(fldName$)
OffSet = (RCount / 2) - 2
For i = 0 To OffSet
Next i
x = ssMedian(fldName$)
y = ssMedian(fldName$)
MedianProp = (x + y) / 2
End If
End Function
thanks to anyone who can help me figure out what i'm missing