What I want to display is TOP INSTRUMENTS. Here is what I want to do. Lets say my instrument and performance look like this:
Instrument Perfomance
AAA 10
BBB 200
CCC 300
DDD 40
EEE 50
FFF 6000
GGG 700
HHH 80
III 90
JJJ 100
KKK 20
LLL 3000
MMM 400
NNN 5000
OOO 60
PPP 700
If BIN = 1 then I want to display Top4 performing Instruments. I want my results to be
FFF 6000
NNN 5000
LLL 3000
PPP 700
If BIN = 2 then I want to display Top4 (next level) performing Instruments. (I shortened my performance to 4)
I want my results to be
MMM 400
CCC 300
BBB 200
JJJ 100
And so on and so on
Instrument Perfomance
AAA 10
BBB 200
CCC 300
DDD 40
EEE 50
FFF 6000
GGG 700
HHH 80
III 90
JJJ 100
KKK 20
LLL 3000
MMM 400
NNN 5000
OOO 60
PPP 700
If BIN = 1 then I want to display Top4 performing Instruments. I want my results to be
FFF 6000
NNN 5000
LLL 3000
PPP 700
If BIN = 2 then I want to display Top4 (next level) performing Instruments. (I shortened my performance to 4)
I want my results to be
MMM 400
CCC 300
BBB 200
JJJ 100
And so on and so on