Hi all,
The model looks like a DIM table containing a measure hierarchy and the according fact table with one fact row holding the values for the measures in one single collumn.
In the dimension I need to generate calculated categories on a high level. This is possible for categories which are flat and do not have any children.
A problem occurs, when I want to generate a calculated category (simple + / - calcs.) with values from measure categories, which show additional hierarchies on the deeper levels. The calc category is not shown in the powerplay report or when i change the level of the calc. measure contains only 0 (which is not correct)
A pic explains:
-measure a----> measure a1--------> 111
|---> measure a2--------> 112
|---> measure a3--------> 113
-calc. measure
using the calculation rule: "111"+112"-"113"
and the calc. measure is on the top level. like cat. measure a.
What did I wrong? Is there a solution for that "non" calculating?
Thanks in advance.
The model looks like a DIM table containing a measure hierarchy and the according fact table with one fact row holding the values for the measures in one single collumn.
In the dimension I need to generate calculated categories on a high level. This is possible for categories which are flat and do not have any children.
A problem occurs, when I want to generate a calculated category (simple + / - calcs.) with values from measure categories, which show additional hierarchies on the deeper levels. The calc category is not shown in the powerplay report or when i change the level of the calc. measure contains only 0 (which is not correct)
A pic explains:
-measure a----> measure a1--------> 111
|---> measure a2--------> 112
|---> measure a3--------> 113
-calc. measure
using the calculation rule: "111"+112"-"113"
and the calc. measure is on the top level. like cat. measure a.
What did I wrong? Is there a solution for that "non" calculating?
Thanks in advance.