I'm not sure whether this is a bug or Cognos logic or my misunderstanding, but here goes:
In a model, I am adding special categories to a territory dimension to reflect the non-exclusive trading that occurs - that is to say one area can be covered by more than one depot.
The special categories are therefore manually chosen areas to reflect each depots trading area. e.g Depot 1 should trade in areas A,B & C only
The request is to show the trading outside of the specified areas. I thought that I could add another special category ("Comparison") for each depot and link to it the sum of the depot trading areas (A+B+C) and a calculated category of (everywhere - depot trading area A+B+C).
Now, after the cube is built, these categories indeed show depot area and everywhere else, but the summary for the category is just the depot area.
i.e. if the depot is areas A,B,C and E represents all areas,
I have a category that shows (A+B+C), E-(A+B+C) and a summary of (A+B+C).
I was hoping to avoid the need to specify Elsewhere in terms of D+C+...+Z. What am I missing here?
Thanks for reading through,
soi la, soi carré
In a model, I am adding special categories to a territory dimension to reflect the non-exclusive trading that occurs - that is to say one area can be covered by more than one depot.
The special categories are therefore manually chosen areas to reflect each depots trading area. e.g Depot 1 should trade in areas A,B & C only
The request is to show the trading outside of the specified areas. I thought that I could add another special category ("Comparison") for each depot and link to it the sum of the depot trading areas (A+B+C) and a calculated category of (everywhere - depot trading area A+B+C).
Now, after the cube is built, these categories indeed show depot area and everywhere else, but the summary for the category is just the depot area.
i.e. if the depot is areas A,B,C and E represents all areas,
I have a category that shows (A+B+C), E-(A+B+C) and a summary of (A+B+C).
I was hoping to avoid the need to specify Elsewhere in terms of D+C+...+Z. What am I missing here?
Thanks for reading through,
soi la, soi carré