Main Report >> rptMain
Subreport >> rptSub
rptMain has a text box (not caluculated on report) >> txtAllowable...
rptSub has a text box (not calculated on subreport) >> txtSubAllowable...
What is the syntax to subtract txtSubAllowable from txtAllowable???
I tried the following:
I also tried the same expression without explicitly naming the main report...
Any help is appreciated.
Subreport >> rptSub
rptMain has a text box (not caluculated on report) >> txtAllowable...
rptSub has a text box (not calculated on subreport) >> txtSubAllowable...
What is the syntax to subtract txtSubAllowable from txtAllowable???
I tried the following:
I also tried the same expression without explicitly naming the main report...
Any help is appreciated.