I have 4 total Txt Boxes in my report footer. They contain currancy values in Euros. I want to Populate 4 Lbl.captions with Canadian values for these txt values. I've run out of ideas.
Here is my last effort:
I = ChangeCurrency()
'textboxes are hidden in report detail section
LblCanRent.Caption = "$" & Val(TxtIrent.Text) / dEurotoCan
LblCanNk.Caption = "$" & Val(TxtINk.Text) / dEurotoCan
LblCanTotal.Caption = "$" & Val(TxtItotal.Text) / dEurotoCan
LblEuroCC.Caption = "€" & Val(TxtICan.Text) * dEurotoCan
ChangeCurrency() looks like this:
Public Function ChangeCurrency()
'load currenct exchange vals and open bassmai.
Dim Db As Database
Dim rsCurrency As Recordset
Set Db = CurrentDb()
Set rsCurrency = Db.OpenRecordset("currentexchange"
dKronertoCan = rsCurrency.Fields(0)
dUStoCan = rsCurrency.Fields(1)
dEurotoCan = rsCurrency.Fields(2)
End Function
Thanks for any help
Here is my last effort:
I = ChangeCurrency()
'textboxes are hidden in report detail section
LblCanRent.Caption = "$" & Val(TxtIrent.Text) / dEurotoCan
LblCanNk.Caption = "$" & Val(TxtINk.Text) / dEurotoCan
LblCanTotal.Caption = "$" & Val(TxtItotal.Text) / dEurotoCan
LblEuroCC.Caption = "€" & Val(TxtICan.Text) * dEurotoCan
ChangeCurrency() looks like this:
Public Function ChangeCurrency()
'load currenct exchange vals and open bassmai.
Dim Db As Database
Dim rsCurrency As Recordset
Set Db = CurrentDb()
Set rsCurrency = Db.OpenRecordset("currentexchange"
dKronertoCan = rsCurrency.Fields(0)
dUStoCan = rsCurrency.Fields(1)
dEurotoCan = rsCurrency.Fields(2)
End Function
Thanks for any help