I am trying to run the CACLs command and output to a file. I am using the following syntax on the server with the share:
c:\>CACLS DriveLetter:\ShareName \c \t > OutputFileName
When I press enter, the command takes an extremely long time to execute and generates the following error:
The data area passed to a system call is too small
The command does create an output file, so I think my syntax is OK. However, the list of directories and subdirectories is not complete. Also, the "\c" switch is used to Continue On Access Denied Errors and the "\t" switch is used to Traverse Current Directory And All Subdirectories. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to run the CACLs command and output to a file. I am using the following syntax on the server with the share:
c:\>CACLS DriveLetter:\ShareName \c \t > OutputFileName
When I press enter, the command takes an extremely long time to execute and generates the following error:
The data area passed to a system call is too small
The command does create an output file, so I think my syntax is OK. However, the list of directories and subdirectories is not complete. Also, the "\c" switch is used to Continue On Access Denied Errors and the "\t" switch is used to Traverse Current Directory And All Subdirectories. Any help would be greatly appreciated.