I have recently changed lanuages from Delphi to C#.net.
I used to use the following code in Delphi to create text within a bitmap to stop flickering when moving the text:
Could anyone help convert it into C#.net code as I have run into a few problems with it.
Regards in advance...
I used to use the following code in Delphi to create text within a bitmap to stop flickering when moving the text:
Buffer := TBitmap.create;
Buffer.Canvas.Brush.color := clblack;
Buffer.width := clientwidth;
Buffer.height := clientheight;
Buffer.canvas.font.color := $00FFA74F;
Buffer.canvas.brush.style := bsclear;
Buffer.canvas.font.size := 20;
Buffer.canvas.font.name := 'Arail';
Buffer.canvas.Font.style := [fsbold,fsitalic];
Buffer.canvas.textout(50,50,'Transparent TextOut!!');
until Application.Terminated;
Could anyone help convert it into C#.net code as I have run into a few problems with it.
Regards in advance...