Does anyone know how to declare Manifest Files in the Visual Studio IDE for C#?
I followed the steps outlined here for including a manifest file:
Does it matter if the manifest file is in the directory where the
source code is or should it be in the directory where the executable
code is?
Someone has suggested I set BuildAction to "Embedded Resource". But I cannot find where this is set in the properties. Can you? In which panel is the BuildAction?
It seems there is more than one way to use Manifest Files with C#. I would like to know them all.
I followed the steps outlined here for including a manifest file:
Does it matter if the manifest file is in the directory where the
source code is or should it be in the directory where the executable
code is?
Someone has suggested I set BuildAction to "Embedded Resource". But I cannot find where this is set in the properties. Can you? In which panel is the BuildAction?
It seems there is more than one way to use Manifest Files with C#. I would like to know them all.