I've written a threaded application to manage a UDP multicast socket. It worked find using BCB 5, but with BCB 6 there are immediate memory leaks which I've traced to winsock2.h.
I've managed to use BCB headers to work around this issue, but I there doesn't seem to be any reference to this in the help/release-notes etc. I've also found that winsock2.h is baddly written very tempramental to work with.
Has anyone else experienced these sort of issues with the winsock2 header file?
I've managed to use BCB headers to work around this issue, but I there doesn't seem to be any reference to this in the help/release-notes etc. I've also found that winsock2.h is baddly written very tempramental to work with.
Has anyone else experienced these sort of issues with the winsock2 header file?