is it possible to make a little C# application that pretends it's a GPS and send data to a COM port that another GPS application can use, like Microsoft's Autoroute.
I would like the C# app to act like a GPS Antenna that spews out the data, so when I start a map program like ex Autoroute and select a GPS device, I can select/connect it to my dummy GPS throug a COM port and receive the data.
If you have any idea of what to do, or if it's even possible, please reply.
is it possible to make a little C# application that pretends it's a GPS and send data to a COM port that another GPS application can use, like Microsoft's Autoroute.
I would like the C# app to act like a GPS Antenna that spews out the data, so when I start a map program like ex Autoroute and select a GPS device, I can select/connect it to my dummy GPS throug a COM port and receive the data.
If you have any idea of what to do, or if it's even possible, please reply.