Ive just been lumbered with a project, which basically takes input from a digital board in a pci slot. It has nice c++ functions in a lib/dll, but also has an interrupt which i can use, from what i know of them, it alerts me when something happens(?), like a callback does, is this correct? And if so, how would i go about using one? Any tips or pointers would be great. Says it has a timer/counter thingie. The manual is exactly helpful sadly, most of the stuff ive had to work out myself so far!
Ive just been lumbered with a project, which basically takes input from a digital board in a pci slot. It has nice c++ functions in a lib/dll, but also has an interrupt which i can use, from what i know of them, it alerts me when something happens(?), like a callback does, is this correct? And if so, how would i go about using one? Any tips or pointers would be great. Says it has a timer/counter thingie. The manual is exactly helpful sadly, most of the stuff ive had to work out myself so far!