Hi just though i would post this, these types of programs have been around for awhile but could be usefull to somebody :?<br><br>This is a program called hypertunnel, basically it allows you to put packets from ftp,telnet, virtually any internet based program, inside of http requests. The reason to do this is obvously to get around a firewall. You basically need one computer inside the firewall and the other on the outside. you then could basically circumvent a firewalls protection. If say your were trying to get access to a company or something. All you would need to do is get a remote control utilitie to work with hypertunnel, set it up on a machine inside the firewall. And you could use that remote controlled computer inside the firewall to try to break into the servers inside the firewall. You would be able to control this from outside in a safe location, like a library and do whatever you want <br><br>link to hypertunnel<br><A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> HREF=" TARGET="_new"> me if im wrong or you have any questions<br> <p>ackka<br><a href=mailto:tmoses@iname.com>tmoses@iname.com</a><br><a href= my site</a><br>"In the beginning there was HTML, and it was good"<br>
by Nick Heinle, Designing with JavaScript<br>
by Nick Heinle, Designing with JavaScript<br>