I have a question related to TCL Problem with Bwidget Titleframe problem.
I wants to set a specific location and size of it for example like this
place .lab91 -in .frm -x 530 -y 250 -width 100 -height 30, is there possible to do it
MY Scipt:
I wants to set a specific location and size of it for example like this
place .lab91 -in .frm -x 530 -y 250 -width 100 -height 30, is there possible to do it
MY Scipt:
package require BWidget
wm minsize . 900 100
wm maxsize . 800 600
wm geometry . 900x700
frame .fmtype -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken
pack .fmtype -side top -fill x
set titf1 [TitleFrame .fmtype.titf1 -text "Label123" ]
pack $titf1 -side left -fill both -padx 4 -expand yes