Im using API MessageBox functions.
When i call it i have a message text like this( only for example not for real):
"Have a problem? Do do it again press Retry and to Exit press Cancel."
and have given the function Window- constants MB_RETRYCANCEL for example.
This displays a Message box with two buttons "Retry" and "Cancel".
The problem is when i run the app on an WinXP Swedish desktop the button texts is dynamicly changed to Swedish texts of "Retry" to "Försök Igen" and "Cancel" to "Avbryt".
This is not the texts i have in my constant text above.
Where and how can i get the buttontexts from the API to show the users the correct button texts in my string constant?
Best regards
"Some thoughts has a certain sound..."
When i call it i have a message text like this( only for example not for real):
"Have a problem? Do do it again press Retry and to Exit press Cancel."
and have given the function Window- constants MB_RETRYCANCEL for example.
This displays a Message box with two buttons "Retry" and "Cancel".
The problem is when i run the app on an WinXP Swedish desktop the button texts is dynamicly changed to Swedish texts of "Retry" to "Försök Igen" and "Cancel" to "Avbryt".
This is not the texts i have in my constant text above.
Where and how can i get the buttontexts from the API to show the users the correct button texts in my string constant?
Best regards
"Some thoughts has a certain sound..."