I used to have a function call on a regular submit button, but changed it to a image type, but the call does not appear to work anymore.
It just seems to submit right though when it should not.
here is the JS function
It just seems to submit right though when it should not.
<input type="image" name="No Addendum Required" class="Addendum_btn" src="images/buttons/no_addendum_required.png" alt="No Addendum" width="100" height="100" border="0" onClick="return validateNoAddendumRequired()">
here is the JS function
function validateNoAddendumRequired() {
var ta = frmAddendum.elements["Addendum"];
if (!ta.value.length) {
//alert("You must enter your text or choose No Addendum Required.");
return true;
return (confirm("You have chosen to enter a comment. This will not become part of the medical record."));