I am having troubling understanding buttons which can be used as links. I have included my HTML page (with the scripts) underneath. The problem is that they work 100% fine in Netscape, but Internet Explorer seems to REFRESH itself whenever these buttons are pressed.
<title>My page</title>
<script language="javascript">
<!-- Begin
<!-- Links Button to News Page -->
function goToURLNews() { window.location = "news.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Wu-Albums Page -->
function goToURLAlbums() { window.location = "albums/index.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Prerelease Page -->
function goToURLPrerelease() { window.location = "prerelease/index.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to RDates Page -->
function goToURLRDates() { window.location = "other/releasedates.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Wu-Fam Page -->
function goToURLWufam() { window.location = "wufam/index.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Cameos & B-Sides Page -->
function goToURLCameos() { window.location = "other/cameos.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Image Gallery Page -->
function goToURLgallery() { window.location = "imagegallery/imagegallery.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Links Page -->
function goToURLLink() { window.location = "other/links.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
// End -->
<!-- Digital Clock Section -->
<!-- Begin
var dn;
c1 = new Image(); c1.src = "digital-clock/c1.gif";
c2 = new Image(); c2.src = "digital-clock/c2.gif";
c3 = new Image(); c3.src = "digital-clock/c3.gif";
c4 = new Image(); c4.src = "digital-clock/c4.gif";
c5 = new Image(); c5.src = "digital-clock/c5.gif";
c6 = new Image(); c6.src = "digital-clock/c6.gif";
c7 = new Image(); c7.src = "digital-clock/c7.gif";
c8 = new Image(); c8.src = "digital-clock/c8.gif";
c9 = new Image(); c9.src = "digital-clock/c9.gif";
c0 = new Image(); c0.src = "digital-clock/c0.gif";
cb = new Image(); cb.src = "digital-clock/cb.gif";
cam = new Image(); cam.src = "digital-clock/cam.gif";
cpm = new Image(); cpm.src = "digital-clock/cpm.gif";
function extract(h,m,s,type) {
if (!document.images) return;
if (h <= 9) {
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document.images.b.src = eval("c"+h+".src"
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document.images.e.src = eval("c"+m+".src"
else {
document.images.d.src = eval("c"+Math.floor(m/10)+".src"
document.images.e.src = eval("c"+(m%10)+".src"
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else {
document.images.g.src = eval("c"+Math.floor(s/10)+".src"
document.images.h.src = eval("c"+(s%10)+".src"
if (dn == "AM" document.j.src = cam.src;
else document.images.j.src = cpm.src;
function show3() {
if (!document.images)
var Digital = new Date();
var hours = Digital.getHours();
var minutes = Digital.getMinutes();
var seconds = Digital.getSeconds();
dn = "AM";
if ((hours >= 12) && (minutes >= 1) || (hours >= 13)) {
dn = "PM";
hours = hours-12;
if (hours == 0)
hours = 12;
extract(hours, minutes, seconds, dn);
setTimeout("show3()", 1000);
// End -->
<!-- End Digital Clock Section -->
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<A HREF=" TARGET=_blank><IMG SRC="pics\cdnow.gif" WIDTH="126" HEIGHT="40" BORDER="0" ALT="CDNow"></A>
<A TARGET="_blank" HREF=" SRC="pics\wuwearbanner.gif" border=0 width=468 height=60 alt="Wu-Wear Store"></A>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=a>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=b>
<img src="digital-clock/colon.gif" name=c>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=d>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=e>
<img src="digital-clock/colon.gif" name=f>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=g>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=h>
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<!-- Top Buttons used on Page -->
<font face="arial" size="1" color="#FFFFFF"> <p align="center">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="News" onClick="goToURLNews()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Wu-Albums" onClick="goToURLAlbums()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Pre-Release Info" onClick="goToURLPrerelease()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Release Dates" onClick="goToURLRDates()">
<!-- End Buttons -->
<TABLE ALIGN=center>
<IMG SRC="pics\logosmall.jpg" BORDER=0 alt="Welcome to the Wu-Tang Monastery: WTM Resurrection"><P>
<!-- Bottom Buttons used on Page -->
<font face="arial" size="1" color="#FFFFFF"> <p align="center">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Wu-Fam" onClick="goToURLWufam()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Cameos & B-Sides" onClick="goToURLCameos()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Image Gallery" onClick="goToURLgallery()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Links" onClick="goToURLLink()">
<!-- End Buttons -->
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="E-Mail" onClick="parent.location='mailto:wubloodkin@apexmail.com?subject=Wu-Tang'">
<TABLE ALIGN=center>
<!-- Note -->
<font face="arial" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">
<a href="siteinfo.html" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='Click here for information about this website';return true">Site Info</a> * <a href=" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='Sign the Guestbook';return true">Guestbook</a> * <a href="other/disclaimer.html" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='Click here for disclaimer information';return true">Disclaimer</a>
<!-- End Note -->
<!-- Note2 -->
<TABLE ALIGN=center>
<font face="arial" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">
© 1998 - 2001<BR>
<TABLE ALIGN=center>
Props to Skeptah for designing the original site logo.
<!-- End Note2 -->
<title>My page</title>
<script language="javascript">
<!-- Begin
<!-- Links Button to News Page -->
function goToURLNews() { window.location = "news.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Wu-Albums Page -->
function goToURLAlbums() { window.location = "albums/index.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Prerelease Page -->
function goToURLPrerelease() { window.location = "prerelease/index.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to RDates Page -->
function goToURLRDates() { window.location = "other/releasedates.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Wu-Fam Page -->
function goToURLWufam() { window.location = "wufam/index.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Cameos & B-Sides Page -->
function goToURLCameos() { window.location = "other/cameos.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Image Gallery Page -->
function goToURLgallery() { window.location = "imagegallery/imagegallery.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
<!-- Links Button to Links Page -->
function goToURLLink() { window.location = "other/links.html"; }
<!-- End Button Link -->
// End -->
<!-- Digital Clock Section -->
<!-- Begin
var dn;
c1 = new Image(); c1.src = "digital-clock/c1.gif";
c2 = new Image(); c2.src = "digital-clock/c2.gif";
c3 = new Image(); c3.src = "digital-clock/c3.gif";
c4 = new Image(); c4.src = "digital-clock/c4.gif";
c5 = new Image(); c5.src = "digital-clock/c5.gif";
c6 = new Image(); c6.src = "digital-clock/c6.gif";
c7 = new Image(); c7.src = "digital-clock/c7.gif";
c8 = new Image(); c8.src = "digital-clock/c8.gif";
c9 = new Image(); c9.src = "digital-clock/c9.gif";
c0 = new Image(); c0.src = "digital-clock/c0.gif";
cb = new Image(); cb.src = "digital-clock/cb.gif";
cam = new Image(); cam.src = "digital-clock/cam.gif";
cpm = new Image(); cpm.src = "digital-clock/cpm.gif";
function extract(h,m,s,type) {
if (!document.images) return;
if (h <= 9) {
document.images.a.src = cb.src;
document.images.b.src = eval("c"+h+".src"
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document.images.b.src = eval("c"+(h%10)+".src"
if (m <= 9) {
document.images.d.src = c0.src;
document.images.e.src = eval("c"+m+".src"
else {
document.images.d.src = eval("c"+Math.floor(m/10)+".src"
document.images.e.src = eval("c"+(m%10)+".src"
if (s <= 9) {
document.g.src = c0.src;
document.images.h.src = eval("c"+s+".src"
else {
document.images.g.src = eval("c"+Math.floor(s/10)+".src"
document.images.h.src = eval("c"+(s%10)+".src"
if (dn == "AM" document.j.src = cam.src;
else document.images.j.src = cpm.src;
function show3() {
if (!document.images)
var Digital = new Date();
var hours = Digital.getHours();
var minutes = Digital.getMinutes();
var seconds = Digital.getSeconds();
dn = "AM";
if ((hours >= 12) && (minutes >= 1) || (hours >= 13)) {
dn = "PM";
hours = hours-12;
if (hours == 0)
hours = 12;
extract(hours, minutes, seconds, dn);
setTimeout("show3()", 1000);
// End -->
<!-- End Digital Clock Section -->
<BODY onLoad="show3()" bgcolor="#000000">
<body background="pics/background01-1024-768.gif" TEXT="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#0000FF">
<A HREF=" TARGET=_blank><IMG SRC="pics\cdnow.gif" WIDTH="126" HEIGHT="40" BORDER="0" ALT="CDNow"></A>
<A TARGET="_blank" HREF=" SRC="pics\wuwearbanner.gif" border=0 width=468 height=60 alt="Wu-Wear Store"></A>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=a>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=b>
<img src="digital-clock/colon.gif" name=c>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=d>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=e>
<img src="digital-clock/colon.gif" name=f>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=g>
<img src="digital-clock/cb.gif" name=h>
<img src="digital-clock/cam.gif" name=j>
<!-- Top Buttons used on Page -->
<font face="arial" size="1" color="#FFFFFF"> <p align="center">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="News" onClick="goToURLNews()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Wu-Albums" onClick="goToURLAlbums()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Pre-Release Info" onClick="goToURLPrerelease()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Release Dates" onClick="goToURLRDates()">
<!-- End Buttons -->
<TABLE ALIGN=center>
<IMG SRC="pics\logosmall.jpg" BORDER=0 alt="Welcome to the Wu-Tang Monastery: WTM Resurrection"><P>
<!-- Bottom Buttons used on Page -->
<font face="arial" size="1" color="#FFFFFF"> <p align="center">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Wu-Fam" onClick="goToURLWufam()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Cameos & B-Sides" onClick="goToURLCameos()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Image Gallery" onClick="goToURLgallery()">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Links" onClick="goToURLLink()">
<!-- End Buttons -->
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="E-Mail" onClick="parent.location='mailto:wubloodkin@apexmail.com?subject=Wu-Tang'">
<TABLE ALIGN=center>
<!-- Note -->
<font face="arial" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">
<a href="siteinfo.html" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='Click here for information about this website';return true">Site Info</a> * <a href=" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='Sign the Guestbook';return true">Guestbook</a> * <a href="other/disclaimer.html" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='Click here for disclaimer information';return true">Disclaimer</a>
<!-- End Note -->
<!-- Note2 -->
<TABLE ALIGN=center>
<font face="arial" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">
© 1998 - 2001<BR>
<TABLE ALIGN=center>
Props to Skeptah for designing the original site logo.
<!-- End Note2 -->