Don;t know if this is the correct forum. I use a butt set all the time and I was going to buy a new one and the ad said it had a "Bed of nails". What does that mean?
a bed of nails refer to the inside of the clips, there is a small round spot on each side perhaps a little smaller then a pencil that has spikes, its purpose is to pierce the insulation around the wire without having to seriously beark the insulation/put a nick in the wire which could lead to problems later if the nick was bad enough there are alot of features in a but set that is just one to look at,
Basically instead of stripping a cross connect back to check a dial tone, you can put it in the bed of nails and make a connection without compromising the cross connect
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If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.---George Carlin
If you offset your bed of nails clips by a couple of inches, you pierce the insulation at two places that can't possibly touch and you can test the line without leaving any open copper or 'um nicking any wires.
Also some clips are serrated on the side, so if you squeeze the clip on the wire, it will pierce the insulation and make a connection. The clip with the single spike/nail usually has this feature. These are handy for testing and temporary connections when troubleshooting.
also useful is to have the clips at an offset angle, when connecting on some blocks like 66 you can clip on the connector and by reversing the direction of the clips keep the metal of the clips away from each other.
had a good set of clips that got replaced with a straight set when I sent a butt set in to harris for repair.
Hill?? What hill??
I didn't see any $%@#(*$ Hill!!
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