Not sure what is going here. BCM3.7 Customer is not able to transfer calls to voicemail. The Pilot Vmail DN 551 is always busy. If you try to access a mailbox F981 sometimes you get in to it sometimes you have to try half a dozen times.
Customer is front ended by AA with CCR option 2 to go to que. This seems to be working sometimes. Sometimes the main Target line for the AA just rings and rings then finaly goes to prime set. If you call in again you may get the AA greeting.
One thing I noticed is that I only have 7 active application DN's I thought will center professional I would get 16 If not atleast 8.
Is there a way on 3.7 I can check to see how many voicemail ports are being used at any given time.\\
Mostly, what would be causing the voicemail DN always being busy.
Thanks in advance folks
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Customer is front ended by AA with CCR option 2 to go to que. This seems to be working sometimes. Sometimes the main Target line for the AA just rings and rings then finaly goes to prime set. If you call in again you may get the AA greeting.
One thing I noticed is that I only have 7 active application DN's I thought will center professional I would get 16 If not atleast 8.
Is there a way on 3.7 I can check to see how many voicemail ports are being used at any given time.\\
Mostly, what would be causing the voicemail DN always being busy.
Thanks in advance folks
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