Technical User
I'm using crystal reports version 8.5 and downloaded files from from the Business Object website so that I can calculate the number of business days between two dates.
I'm having trouble understanding the special ufl/formula. I have typed in everything it says in the documentation but it won't work.
It says " Replace 'Enter Text File Path' with your path to your Holidays text file. "
What does this mean exactly? I can't find an example and I have typed in different things but nothing works. What am I doing wrong? Can someone please explain what they mean? what should I type in here?
Is there another kb document/article that could help me here?
I'm having trouble understanding the special ufl/formula. I have typed in everything it says in the documentation but it won't work.
It says " Replace 'Enter Text File Path' with your path to your Holidays text file. "
What does this mean exactly? I can't find an example and I have typed in different things but nothing works. What am I doing wrong? Can someone please explain what they mean? what should I type in here?
Is there another kb document/article that could help me here?